Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fuchsia: The "It" polish for spring/summer

Apparently fuchsia is the "It" nail polish color for spring/summer.
Instead of buying some more new bottles of this color, I went through my lovely collection to see what I already had in fuchsia.
Here's what I came up with:

Revlon's Fuchsia Fever:

Revlon's Lava:

Borghese' Dolce Vita Fuchsia:

N.Y.C.'s Fashion Ave Fuchsia:

I think Fashion Ave Fuchsia is my fave out of these four.
It's a beautiful shimmery, dark fuchsia that I usually wear during the fall time because it has a jewel-like quality to it.
Fuchsia is a beautiful color anyways, even though I have to run spell check when I type it!!

What's your fave fuchsia polish? What's on your tips and toes?

FTC Disclosure: I previously paid for these polishes with my own money.


  1. These are all so pretty. I need to learn to shop my own stash more often ;p

  2. Thanks! I've been on a little budget for a while. Saving up for summer vacay and trying to cut back on my polish purchases. Been finding forgotten gems.
