Saturday, January 4, 2014

Dance Class (Village style!!)

 Move your body, body!! Move your body, body!! Welcome to dance class in my village!! 

   First off, Happy New Year! I hope you had a warm and fuzzy holiday season. I want to begin my new year off with song and dance! That's how it started and hopefully, that's how it will end!

   Now, I want to tell you about a daily "dance class" in my village and it's pretty cool!
   Bo-ausi (plural for young girls) teach choreographed dances to many of the children here.
   They dance to the traditional Basotho music called Famo.

   Fun is had by many!
   Case in point:

Hope you enjoy this video! (I just discovered that I can easily upload videos to my Youtube account from my Blackberry so I'll be posting more videos on my blog next year. Yay!)

And here's video of the musicians playing the traditional music of the people here, Famo:

Famo music is often heard blasting out of taxi speakers here. The backbone of this music is the accordian. Notice the make-shift drum in the video, though. I thought that was genius.

I like going to these classes because it livens up my village, which can be a little too quiet at times.
And it's nice to see my students doing something positive!

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