Felt like I hadn't been in Sephora in ages so I had to go treat myself to some beauty goodies today. Here's what I got:
-fresh soy face cleanser: I got a sample of this $15 cleanser the last time I was in Sephora and it's a dream. The formula is soft, very light and left my face feeling clean and refreshed.
-Pacifica Lotus Garden perfume roll-on: This bad boy has gotten lots of praise in the beauty blogosphere so I wanted to try it out. I've used Pacifica products before and like them because they are made without parabens and phthalates. This $12 scent smells soooooo good and I'm going to use it as my fall smell-good.
-Teal We Meet Again nail polish: OK, I've been fawning over this $9 polish all summer. It's just so freaking GORGE!!! That's how excited this lacquer makes me. I'm going to apply it tonight but expect a (super biased) review in a little bit:)
-pencil sharpener: I've used this cutie before too and it was time to upgrade to a new one. This one was only $3. Not bad.
-Temptu retouch highlighter: This was my V.I.B. freebie and I'll try it to see what it's about.
I also bought some fabric squares for $1 from Wal-mart:

Not sure what I'm going to make (maybe some jewelry??) but I'm going to make something out of them. Aren't they puuuuurdy?
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