Hey there!
I've taken lots of pix since I've been here and wanted to share some with you!

This cow wouldn't moooooooooove its behind from the path I take to go home.

My host siblings: Tsepiso (Tepy-saw), Rethabile (Reta-bee-lay), and Katleho (Kah-clay-o). Their names mean I promise, we are happy, and success, respectively. Love these kids!

This mani was inspired by this candy-cane flavored ChapStick bottle.

Loving these pink and purple sunsets.
I've taken lots of pix since I've been here and wanted to share some with you!

This cow wouldn't moooooooooove its behind from the path I take to go home.

My host siblings: Tsepiso (Tepy-saw), Rethabile (Reta-bee-lay), and Katleho (Kah-clay-o). Their names mean I promise, we are happy, and success, respectively. Love these kids!

Reading, reading, reading!

This mani was inspired by this candy-cane flavored ChapStick bottle.

Loving these pink and purple sunsets.